What Your Relationship With Activity Says About Your Personality Type
November 25, 2021
It’s true that we all have some kind of need for physical activity, and the truth is that we all need it just as much as the next person. The only difference is that we need it more than the next person.
A lot of people have a long-term relationship with physical activity and some of them have some kind of a relationship with sleep. So if you're in a relationship with the person who does the physical activity, and they're both doing it, that may seem like a little bit of an excuse.
If you spend your free time doing activities, you should probably look at your relationship with exercise and sleep objectively.
If you have a long-term relationship with activity, that means you have some kind of a physical relationship with activity.
A friend of mine once said that if he had to choose between sleeping and staying active, he would choose the latter, but both would be important. He explained this to me by saying that if he were to choose between his current relationship with physical activity and his relationship with sleep, the sleep-focused person would obviously have a better relationship with activity.
All of you are familiar with the concept of time travel and time dependency.
Time travel/time dependency can be seen in many things, but it is particularly common among people who feel like they don't have enough time to do something they really want to do. For example, I know that I am always working on a project for work, but I also know that I have time to do other things for myself.
The main difference between the two is that I love to watch TV, so I can be in a different time than my brother and sister, but I can also be in a different time than my sister.
You can see some of this in the two types of “busy” people I’ve included in this article.
I’ll call these types of people “busy” and “shy”. Busy people are the ones who like to be in one time zone, and shy people are the ones who like to be in another.
I've noticed that when I go to sleep (or even when I call my mom the next day) I wake up and think, "Wow, I can do this!" I think this is the first time I've heard this the way I have.
What your relationships with activities say about your personality type will be determined by what activities you engage in.
The more activities you enjoy doing, the more busy-ish you are. The fewer activities you engage in, the shyer you are. Busy-ish people are people who like to be in the same time zone, or in one city, or in one place at a time, while shy people are people who like to be in different time zones, cities, and places at different times.
This is my favorite quote of all time. I think it's because it's a phrase that we all start with. But it's still true. When I think about it, my "busy" friends are probably busy-ish, while my "shy" friends are probably shy. My "busy" friends are probably getting up to something every day, while my "shy" friends are probably getting up to something every day.