This Is Your Brain on Care
November 13, 2021The best way to truly understand yourself is to go and see a professional, whether it be a counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist. They are a person’s go-to expert for a reason. They also get to know you and your values and can help you understand what is happening to you.
This is something I have learned a lot over my career in psychology. I have been told by different professionals that there are only two types of people in the world: those who are suffering from a mental illness, and those who are not. To be a victim of a mental illness is to be a victim of a disease. It is as if you are not a normal person.
No question. I have learned a lot in my career as a psychologist.
I am not a mental health professional. I am a psychologist. It is what I am to do for the good of my patient and for myself. It has always intrigued me, though, that in addition to being a good therapist, I am also a psychologist.
A psychologist is someone who specializes in the diagnosis of mental illness. The term "psychologist" was not coined until the 20th century, and the first recorded use dates back to 1589. People from the 19th century to the early 20th century were mostly referred to as "pathologists." They treated patients in hospitals and even in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, and the study of mental illness.
This was a term that did not mean what we think it means now.
The concept of a “psychologist” was popularized by the 18th-century French writer and philosopher Paracelsus. His main theory was that the mind works via a set of chemical reactions that were set up to detect and correct misperceptions. His ideas were based mostly on his observations of patients in hospitals. As he wrote, these patients were told to lie still, and then after a few moments of their brains releasing chemicals, the mind would correct the misperception.
This is my favorite part.
Not only does this make it sound like these misperceptions are really just a result of mental illness, but it suggests that the brain is like a Swiss Army knife. You turn it on and off, but you never know what you're going to find.
If you've ever wondered how much the brain remembers when you're not looking, this is the answer. It doesn't know what it does, but it remembers everything.
This is why the mind is the most amazing thing to think about. It is a tool that we have that allows us to store and manipulate information in a way that we never could have imagined. It is also why the internet is so magical. We use it to remember things we never would have thought of or remembered anyway.
I think we all have felt like the old saying that "everything is connected".
If you think that every bit of information that you are putting into your brain is just a connection to the outside world, it may be time to reevaluate that. It is possible that there may be an invisible connection between what you are thinking and what you are experiencing in the outside world.