8 Unforgivable Rap Mistakes Everyone Makes

October 26, 2021


The most popular rap songs are still some of the most damaging, and they’re all made by the same people. While this may seem like a fun game to play online, the truth is, the people that make these songs are the same people who create them. They do these things for a living, and the result is the same.

The internet has brought more people into the world, but it has also made it easier for them to do some pretty terrible things.

No one should be surprised that rappers, who have long been considered to be the butt of many jokes, have been responsible for a lot of the most damaging rap songs, and a lot of the most damaging rap lyrics. While some of these rappers have been arrested over the years, the reality is, they've done it for the betterment of society.

In the early 2000s, there was a lot of talk about rap losing its edge. Not only were they being criticized for using the same sort of lowbrow, the lowbrow language heard on the radio, but they were also criticized for taking too much of the spotlight. In an attempt to regain their lost power, rappers began to use more profanity and less political humor, creating the sort of music that is really only fit for a Saturday morning cartoon.

It's true. All those years later, rap music has actually become more inclusive. 

There's less of a focus on lowbrow language and more of a focus on using profanity that is the opposite of what was used in the '00s. The result? It's easier to be yourself. Instead of having to fight against the current trends in rap music, you can just be you, and the world can say, "Yep, that's how you should sound.

It also says that the general public now has a better idea of what makes a joke, and who is funny. It's not just the jocks and the jockettes, the general public now knows that rappers aren't all out to be a bunch of douchebags.


The point is that we all use profanity to get ourselves in a bad mood. 

And now with a better understanding of what makes a joke, the general public can now tell you who you should make fun of. And to make this even scarier, the general public now knows that rappers aren't all out to be a bunch of douchebags.

Of course, the reason the general public now knows that rappers aren't all out to be a bunch of douchebags is that rappers have become a lot more vocal about the reasons they use profanity. It's great to be a rapper, but you have to get over the fact that you have to be a douchebag to use profanity. It is not a joke. It's a way to get your point across.

For the most part, rappers are making a point to be themselves.

But it is not a good point to make if you are using profanity too often. That is why rappers shouldn't be using profanity so often. The reason why rappers shouldn't be using profanity is that it is a way to get your point across.

Sure, you could argue that rappers shouldn't be using profanity because it is a way to be yourself, but that is a very weak argument. Because most rappers wouldn't even be using profanity if they were just making a point. Using profanity means not only that you are being offensive, but that you are showing that you are a douchebag who uses profanity all the time.

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