The 5 Worst Mistakes Bed Rookies Make—and How to Avoid Them
November 05, 2021
With all the talk about millennials and “the next” generation, it might be a little hard to know what to think or say when it comes to bed rigging. But one thing I’ve learned is that it is not a good idea to assume that someone with a young or “new” lifestyle is going to be perfect in bed.
Bed-wetting is a common problem among college-age women and it’s no secret that you’re not going to have a perfect night unless you take steps to prevent it. But bed-wetting can happen pretty easily because you sleep poorly. So if you want to avoid bed-wetting, it’s best to pay attention to the amount of time you sleep.
The first step to bed-wetting is to stop sleeping too much.
Sleep is a natural process that requires a lot of your time and it can become a huge drain on your energy. A good rule of thumb is to get up at the same time every day, and then do something productive, like work on your computer. If you are always up at the same time, then you will be less likely to get zoned out.
So if you sleep for more than 8 hours a night, you’re on the wrong track and might have to learn how to sleep more. You can try a short nap, but because we’re talking about bedwetting, you are doing yourself a disservice by taking a nap, which leaves a lot more space for bed-wetting.
This is not just the rule of thumb for bed-wetting, it's a really good rule of thumb for getting up super early or late.
If you do it too often, then you might find yourself getting up too early or late, which will mess up your schedule. This is why when you get up, you should do something productive, like working on your computer.
In our sleep-analysis research, we found that people who usually sleep early and late tend to have the same sleeping habits. The reason is that people who are always awake tend to be more productive thinkers, so taking a nap during the day can really change the way you think. But for people who naturally sleep late, they tend to be more sleepy during the day—so they are more inclined to be productive thinkers and therefore need to nap more often.
It might seem like a small difference but if you have a tendency to nap in the morning, you might be more productive after dinner. And if you are very productive during the day, it might tend to be a case of making you sleepy during the night. These are the kinds of behaviors we want to avoid and work to change.
The key to getting more sleep is just to make sure that you are getting enough of it.
And the key to getting more productive thinking is to just get it out of the way so that you can focus on more productive activities.
It might sound obvious, but just making sure you have enough sleep is an effective strategy for getting more sleep.
Bed-making is an easy one to fall into: It's a skill that we all need to develop.
Making your bed is an easy way to make sure that you're getting enough sleep. But I can't stress this enough. If you have a bed that you have to get up at night for, don't make it your bed. Use that time to get a good night's sleep. This way you will have more time for other things.