The 5 Worst Mistakes Owatonna Rookies Make—and How to Avoid Them
November 22, 2021
If you’re going to be a Rookie in the R-league, you will inevitably be seen around the league. If you’re going to be a Rookie in the R-league, you will inevitably be seen around the league. When you’re a Rookie in the R-league, you will inevitably be seen around the league.
That's what happens to a lot of us when we first start.
The best Rookie you could ever hope to be is a rookie in the R-league, but in just a few short years we've all been seen around the league, and most of the time we're treated like the worst rookies we can possibly be.
In the R-league, you play against other rookies, and the league is very competitive. There are very few rules, and the game is relatively simple. You can’t go down a certain lane or take a specific shot, but if you break another rookie’s rule, they have to go to the bench and have a chance to get a penalty. This has a bad effect on the league’s reputation because it makes the competition less fair.
The best thing to do is simply not do this—it doesn't help anyone. If it's not illegal, it's just plain dumb.
Now, there were five mistakes that the Rookies made.
1) If you break the Rookies rules, you get a penalty.2) You run out of time in your opponent's time-clock, or you don't get the next shot on time, or you don't shoot at all, or you don't shoot in the right direction.3) You can't take a certain shot, or you don't have enough health to take the shot.
That's a really bad example because it’s a good one. But the other four are very, very bad mistakes that you shouldn’t make.
These mistakes are not made lightly and are very, very common, especially for rookies. We've already talked about the "you can't take a certain shot" error above, but you should definitely avoid the "you get a penalty" error, too.
In the video above, you shouldn't have any trouble taking a shot at a guy who is taking out a guy wearing a motorcycle helmet with a rifle. You should also avoid you can't get a particular direction error, you are too close to the enemy for the shot to be accurate, and then you don't have enough health to take the shot.
These are all very, very common mistakes rookies make, and they're all bad.
There are a few simple tips to avoid these errors, and these are pretty easy to implement. First, make sure you have the proper ammo. It's not that the ammo is the problem, it's the ammo magazine. Make sure it's a well-used magazine. Second, make sure you have a proper aim. If you're not sure what your aim is, you should always aim for your target instead of just aiming for your enemy. Third, make sure you have a perfect gun.